First of all, my past experiences with yoga have not been positive. In fact, I kind of hated it. Again, I am not a particularly “still” person and, although I was raised in a sort of New Age environment, I don’t generally respond to the New Age type of thought. But my friends explained that this was different, this teacher was different. So I decided to try it.
I was pleasantly surprised. I am pretty flexible and always have been, even for a fat girl, so the poses were challenging but not painful. The instructor, Angie, told us to trust our body and let it guide us. Angie is a Reiki practitioner and throughout the hour, she would walk through the class and gently touch the students, sometimes to slightly adjust the pose. I am never comfortable with strangers touching me but Angie’s touch was comforting.
Angie’s melodic, soft voice was soothing. She talked throughout the whole class, sometimes explaining how to do a pose, sometimes talking about energy and healing and spirituality. Again, I am not one that normally responds to this type of thing but there was something about Angie’s voice, her excitement, the flow of her words that was so relaxing, even as I was sweating through a pose.
Before I knew it, the hour was over. I felt amazingly worn out, powerful and relaxed at the same time. I went home that night and bought a class card. And I went back this Tuesday. I will be adding the Saturday class this week.
So now I am dancing four hours a week and doing yoga two hours each week. I feel like I am getting into a very well rounded exercise routine that works on all parts of my body. But the best thing about doing all that is that I get so much more than the calorie burn. I love dancing and am learning that I love this type of yoga. And it makes me a happier person. That goes way beyond the weight loss.
I am also very interested in dance. And doing different types of dance. I love dance.